
Showing posts from November, 2018

Realization . . . Have Concern about your Natural Ground water ? ? ?

T here are many ways drinking water may become contaminated. Contamination may result from chemical sources. Chemical contamination can result from human activities , such as chemical fertilized agricultural or industrial operations, or from improper chemical disposal at home.   Increasing application of nitrogen fertilizers in the irrigated lands of the studied area is likely to create a blanket non-point source of nitrate. Groundwater contamination from fertilizers, in this context, has been reported as derived from N0 3− , K +  and  18 0 composition of groundwater. The data suggest both point and non-point sources of groundwater pollution. Thirty-three percent of the groundwater samples showed nitrate contents exceeding the general acceptable limit of 20 p.p.m. and 15% of the samples crossed the maximum permissible limit of 45 p.p.m. High nitrate levels are associated with high  δ 18 O values, clearly indicating that significant quantities of evaporated (isotopical

Effects of Chemical Fertilizers

G roundwater contamination has been linked to gastric cancer, goiter, birth malformations, and hypertension; testicular cancer and stomach cancer . The biggest issue facing the use of chemical fertilizers is groundwater contamination. Nitrogen fertilizers break down into nitrates and travel easily through the soil. Because it is water-soluble and can remain in groundwater for decades, the addition of more nitrogen over the years has an accumulative effect. One popular fertilizer, urea, produces ammonia emanation, contributes to acid rain, groundwater contamination and ozone depletion due to release of nitrous-oxide by denitrification process. With its increased use and projections of future use, this problem may increase several folds in the coming decades. Do you have a choice ?   ?   ? So, Why are you earning for ? ? ? To Eat What ? ? ? You are Sick already. . .

Fertilizers are Good for fathers, not for sons

                This is a step to visualize &  educate industrial-machine life earners, the stakeholders of  industrial world about the industrialization on food production, And  congratulations  you have killed quarter your future generation by cancers and another quarter by famine.